Feature requests

  1. Triggered events total

    I would like to see the total triggered events for a specified date, like today or yesterday, and so on. Now I see only the triggered events for all dates, which is not really useful information in my view. I mean for pinned or custom events. Thanks

    Edy W


  2. Allow Funnels to include upsell and downsell variations

    Currently a funnel shows analytics only for users doing all the steps of the flow. Example: A-->B-->C-->D However in our case, if in "A" a user buys certain products, they go directly to "D". The current structure of the funnel doesn't allow us to track properly users that do so. We basically just have a way to track users that do exactly A-->B-->C-->D but no other variations (like A-->B-->D or A-->D). Could you please implement a way to have "flexible" funnels, including "jumps" in the flow, due to upsell and downsell variations? This would allow for far better tracking. With the current structure, the funnel analytics don't have much utility for us. Thanks!

    #Web analytics#Attribution#Funnels


  3. Heatmaps for Website Analytics

    It would just be stellar to also have access to heatmap features, so we can replace Microsoft Clarity.

    Matthias L
    #Improvement 👍


  4. Google Ads & Meta Ads Integration

    Can we have these integrations for Usermaven please: Google ads Meta ads Hubspot CRM Zoho CRM

    Adeel K
    #Improvement 👍#Web analytics#Integrations 🔗


  5. Conversion API plugin for Wordpress

    Create a Wordpress Plugin that installs Usermaven via API for server-side tracking with first-party data. If the pixel is also installed then deduplicate the data. It'll be something similar to what Facebook has done. This will massively increase the accuracy of data.

    Joshua L
    #Integrations 🔗


  6. Facebook Conversion API

    I think usermaven should have integration and data like Facebook CAPI or Google Conversion.

    Niko J


  7. Smart Analytics Interpretation with Actionable Insights!!

    This one would make you stand out to the competition easily! :-) I just stumbled across an upcoming service for Webflow websites, and I really like the approach they are taking with site analytics: they take the numbers and interpret them in action steps a user would have to take, to make the site more attractive, smart, and optimizing the user flow. It's called https://volument.com/how-it-works/technical-details, you can find all the details here. They call it "actionable insights". With an implementation like this, Usermaven would truly stand out and shine above all other analytics tools in the market.

    Matthias L
    #Deal Breaker 💔


  8. Automations 🤖 [Notifications on Event Trigger]

    Trigger notifications when a specific event is triggered. Notifications could be sent via Webhooks(could become costly if connected to Pabbly/Zapier), Telegram, Slack, Email, etc. The notification can include user id, country, device type, browser, OS, etc. Attaching an automation flow screenshot from the current tracking tool I am using.

    Jijo J
    #Improvement 👍


  9. Ability to delete users

    Ability to delete users

    #Improvement 👍


  10. Offline Conversion Data Sync (FB Conversion API & Google Ads)

    Offline Conversion Data sync with Google Ads and Facebook It is becoming increasingly cumbersome with GDPR, pixel management, tag manager etc - if there is one center of truth such as Usermaven which reports back implemented conversions to the respective ad networks. Adline this makes it very easy for the average Joe to understand in terms of a click map and converting an event on the spot over to a conversion which then gets synced with the ad networks (Great way to remove barriers / cord cutting).

    Robert F
    #Improvement 👍


  11. Slack notifications

    Get traffic spike reports on your slack channels.

    Muhammad Azhar
    #Improvement 👍


  12. Location of User

    After click on location => open maps in browser in a new tab to see where the user is coming from

    Muhammad Azhar
    #Improvement 👍


  13. Enhance Visual Map so that you can zoom in to see cities where visitors have come from

    With GA it was possible to zoom in on the visitor map so that I could show clients where the visitors were coming from. This is great if you are running an area based campaign so that you can visibly see locations and trends over time.

    Andy T
    #Improvement 👍#Web analytics


  14. Improve the detailed view of sources

    Currently the detailed view for sources only displays "Visitors" and "Bounce Rate". Would be a great addition to also display other engagement metrics as well such as time on page, scroll depth, etc. A quick win I think. Thanks.

    #Improvement 👍#Web analytics#Attribution


  15. Integrate Social Media Analytics from Content Studio

    An ideal setup would be to leverage Usermaven, Content Studio and Replug all together. A holistic dashboard for one brand containing website analytics/search console data, social media engagement metrics from Content Studio and share pixel links through Replug. That would be powerful.

    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗
